Best Mortgage Rates In Nanaimo

Surprising Factors Behind The Best Mortgage Rates In Naimano

If you’re planning to purchase a home, you might be curious about what determines the best mortgage rate in Naimano. You might assume that factors like your credit score, income, and debt-to-income ratio play the biggest role. For the most part, you’d certainly be on the money.

However, there are actually surprising factors that could influence your mortgage rate. Listed below are some of the factors that have been proven in different cases to impact mortgage outcomes.

1. Location

The location of your home is one of the primary factors that could determine your mortgage rate. A more desirable area with a low crime rate, good schools, and accessible amenities could mean a lower interest rate.

2. The Weather

Believe it or not, the weather in Naimano could impact your mortgage rate. If your home is located somewhere prone to natural disasters like hurricanes or wildfires, your mortgage rate could be higher. This could be to account for the increased risk of damage to the property.

3. The Living Habits Of Your Neighbors

Your neighbors’ living habits could also impact your mortgage rate. If your neighbors have a history of late payments or foreclosure, it could indicate that the area is financially unstable. This could result in a higher mortgage rate for you.

4. House Orientation

The direction that your home faces could also play a role in determining the best mortgage rates. Homes that face north are typically cooler and receive less sunlight, which could result in higher energy costs. If your home faces south, it could be more energy-efficient, resulting in a lower rate.

5. Auto Financing

Your auto financing could also impact your mortgage rate. Higher car payments or auto debt could indicate that you’re not as financially stable, resulting in a higher mortgage rate. However, there are ways to get a lower auto loan rate. For example, if you’re planning to trade in your vehicle, consider getting rid of it before applying for a mortgage. This can also help improve your credit score since fewer liabilities will be reported on your report.


When it comes to securing the best mortgage rate in Naimano, a variety of surprising factors could impact your eligibility. While factors like your credit score and income are certainly important, it’s essential to consider everything else. By understanding these factors and working with a trusted mortgage lender, you can secure a competitive mortgage rate as a homeowner.