House flooding in Whakatane

The Ultimate Guide to Dealing with House Flooding in Whakatane

House flooding in Whakatane can be a devastating experience, but with the right knowledge and actions, you can minimize damage and get your life back on track. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to deal with house flooding and ensure a smoother recovery process.

1. Safety First

Before anything else, prioritize your safety. If it’s safe to do so, turn off the electricity and gas supply to your home to prevent any accidents. Be cautious of slippery floors and hidden hazards. If the flooding is severe, consider evacuating and seeking temporary shelter until it’s safe to return.

2. Contact Professionals for Flood Restoration

After ensuring your safety, the next step is to contact professionals specializing in flood restoration. Whakatane has experienced experts who can assess the damage, provide mitigation strategies, and start the restoration process promptly. Remember to mention your location to expedite their response.

3. Document the Damage

While waiting for the restoration team, document the damage by taking photos or videos. This evidence will be invaluable for insurance claims and can help you get the compensation you deserve.

4. Salvage What You Can

If it’s safe to do so, start salvaging your belongings. Move items to a dry area and prioritize valuables, important documents, and sentimental items. Be cautious of mould growth, which can begin within 24-48 hours.

5. Prevent Further Damage

If the flooding is due to a burst pipe or a leaking roof, take immediate steps to stop the source of water. Placing buckets or towels strategically can help minimize water spreading to other areas of your home.

6. Clean and Disinfect

Once the floodwaters recede, thoroughly clean and disinfect all affected areas. Use appropriate cleaning agents to prevent mould and bacterial growth. If the flooding was caused by contaminated water, take extra precautions and consider professional cleaning services.

7. Insurance Claims

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to initiate the claims process. Provide all necessary documentation and be prepared for inspections. Having professionals assess the damage and providing photographic evidence will greatly assist your claim.


House flooding in Whakatane is a challenging experience, but with the right steps, you can recover and rebuild. Remember to focus on safety, contact professionals for flood restoration, document the damage, salvage your belongings, and prevent further damage. Cleaning and disinfecting are essential, and filing an insurance claim promptly is crucial for financial assistance. Lastly, consider long-term preventative measures to protect your home in the future.